Wednesday 21 March 2012

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Best blogging tools for travellers

Many travellers are "lite-bloggers" without even realising it. They share photos and anecdotes, relying on Internet tools like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to update their families and friends about their journeys.
But for other travellers who dream of keeping their photos and stories in a personal travel blog, several tools bridge the gap between posting status updates and creating a complex website.
On 13 March the social networking site Twitter bought the free sharing, lite-blogging site Posterous, marking yet another step in the field of easy-to-use blogging software. Last summer, similar platform Tumblr gained its 20 millionth user, overtaking the previous giant of blogging platforms,WordPress. Meanwhile, WordPress rolled out new features for speedier and more intuitive use, and Google-owned Blogger continues to experiment with unique functionality.  
So which of these blogging platforms is best? All are free to use and all allow users to update their blog via e-mail, by attaching photos and media files. Additionally, these platforms give travellers the option to publish their posts to a social networking profile, or alternatively, to keep everything private.
Best when images and simplicity matter most
Founded in 2007, Tumblr is essentially image-based blogging, letting a photo speak a thousand words, whether it's a picture of a deliciousEisbecher (ice cream sundae) you're having on a trip to Germany or a photo of your kids playing on the beach. Images run large, with the option to make them take up the full size of a screen, which is why Tumblr has become a hit with people who don't want to stress out about writing fully formed thoughts. Unlike other platforms, it encourages users to post quotes, music or video, presenting these items  robustly and artfully. Tumblr requires only about 15 minutes to set up and mere seconds to update. Its apps for Android and Apple devices make blogging-on-the-go with a smart phone easier than any rival service. Tumblr also stands out for its trail-blazing user interaction features. For example, you could have your friends and family members set up accounts and then follow your "Tumblelog" to have updates flow into their news feed, called the Tumblr Dashboard, sparing users from having to actively visit your travel blog. They can also re-post content from your blog to share with friends, and add comments under their own name. You can control who has access to comment and see your blog.
Best if multiple people will be posting
Google-owned Blogger allows users to publish their first post within 30 minutes of starting, or even sooner if the user already has an account with Google. Blogger has a simple interface for writing posts and uploading photos, which is similar to using a Web-based e-mail service to write an e-mail. Uniquely, users can also write a post in Microsoft Word or Google Documents and then import it into their blog. Blogger also offers "viewer customisation", meaning readers can choose to see your blog in their preferred format -- such as magazine style (with sprawling horizontal layouts) or e-mail-inbox-style (with a series of bulletins) -- by adding "/view" onto the end of any Blogger-powered website address (take a look at travel writer Pauline Frommer's Daily Briefing ). In another perk, the blogging platform allows up to 100 users to update a single blog, which means there is plenty of access for friends on a group trip. On the downside, Blogger presents images in default formats that are small and formal looking (a bit stuffy for a travel-themed blog), and its templates — or pre-made formats—aren't as stylishly and colourfully-designed as those offered by its rivals.
Best when presentation and details matter
 is the leading open-source blogging platform that provides the most sophisticated controls of all of the tools mentioned here. Unlike the other sites, you can store your content on your own server (for free), which means you can easily have your own URL, and the only person who controls your data is yourself — no one can post ads on it or republish it without your permission. The faster option is to cook up a blog that is stored on (also for free). The site offers a vast array of templates for presenting your content; multiple users are also allowed. Setting up can take hours, though, depending on the level of customisation you desire. It also lacks the intuitive and fast socialising tools of Tumblr. But if your plan is to start travel-blogging to earn money, either by selling ads on your blog or by using your blog as a platform for selling your travel books or photography, then WordPress has the best tools. The platform makes it easy to add advertisements to your blog and it often appears high in search engine results when people are looking for blogs on your travel topic.
One to avoid
 was founded a year after Tumblr and introduced several innovations that were quickly copied by Tumblr, such as the ability to update your blog by sending an e-mail message to a special address. The two platforms spent recent years copying each other's moves, and they're fairly indistinguishable now. Posterous's main claim to fame among travellers has been its streamlined way of keeping images and text private, optionally limiting access to friends and family who Posterous users authorise. Sadly, the consensus of tech experts is that Posterous may now flatline, because most of the company's employees will switch to working on projects for Twitter. Posterous hasn't revealed its plans, but it pledges to shortly reveal how users can export their content to Tumblr and other sites. (Lifehacker has published its own exporting method, for users who can't wait.) The company's interest in providing a way for its users to leave their platform is a sign that it's not committed to growing.

Source: BBC

Thursday 15 March 2012

Andai Aku Mampu Berbahasa Arab

Andai aku mampu berbahasa Arab
Akan kuteroka ilmu dengan mantap
Supaya individu tegap
Dalam membantu memacu umat

Andai aku mampu berbahasa Arab
Tentu lebih mudah kufaham kitab
Dan faham ilmu tidak lembap
Buat memecut memaham Maha Rabb

Target: Cari jalan untuk belajar bahasa Arab =)


Bowling di Kompleks Bukit Jambul
Pulau Pinang

Kiosk. Langkah Pertama

Dynamic Kiosk (DK)
USM Kampus Induk, Pulau Pinang.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Bicara diri

Tangisan sebuah kegagalan.
Tangisan sebuah kepahitan.
Amat pahit untuk ditelan.
Mungkinkah ia tiada berkesudahan?

Kupandang diri.
Alangkah ruginya
Jika kegagalan ini tiada tepinya
Bagaimanakan kumenghadap Yang Esa?

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Penulis Islam Contoh

(dipetik dari buku Suri Tauladan di Sepanjang Jalan Dakwah oleh Mustafa Masyhur)

  1. Bijak dalam memilih tajuk yang sesuai untuk tujuan berdakwah, menghuraikan tajuk itu dengan gaya bahasa yang baik dan jelas yang maknanya sampai ke hati dan akal manusia dan boleh memberi kesan yang dikehendaki.
  2. Berpegang dengan kefahaman Islam yang betul dan jauh dari penyelewengan dan salah faham. Perlu sentiasa menyedari, berapa banyak dosa akan ditanggung jika pembaca-pembaca terpengaruh dengan fahaman yang salah.
  3. Penulis Muslim yang berbakat dan berpeluang melibatkan diri dalam bidang sebaran am, mestilah memanfaatkan sepenuhnya kebolehan yang dianugerahkan kepadanya untuk tujuan menyebarkan kebenaran kepada khalayak umum.
  4. Cerpenis dan novelis Muslim hendaklah mengemukakan pendapatnya dan penyelesaian kepada masalah masyarakat semasa bagi semua peringkat, dari kanak-kanak, pemuda dan pemudi, orang dewasa lelaki dan perempuan dengan cerita yang mempunyai tarikan dan ada kesannya.
  5. Bagi yang berkebolehan dalam penciptaan puisi dan syair juga nasyid, sebolehnya memberi sumbangan dengan mencipta nasyid-nasyid dan puisi yang menimbulkan semangat berjuang di kalangan pemuda dan remaja juga seawal usia kanak-kanak lagi kerana sudut ini begitu halus dalam mempengaruhi jiwa manusia.

Tips untuk Memulakan Usaha Menulis
  1. Banyakkan membaca apa sahaja bahan atau karya yang baik dan membina. Buku, akhbar, majalah mahupun novel. Ini akan membentuk idea dalam minda kita tentang bagaimana kita harus memulakan gaya penulisan.
  2. Sentiasa berfikiran positif dan terbuka dan sentiasa menerima cadangan mahupun pandangan dan teguran. Dengan meneroka pandangan orang lain, kita akan mudah meramalkan bentuk penulisan yang diminati dan digemari pembaca.
  3. Rajin meneliti telatah kehidupan insan dan gemar menganalisa alam yang terbentang dan semua ini dapat merangsang ilham.
  4. Seperti juga bertutur, menulis akan menjadi jika kita dapat menguasai bahasa dengan baik. Cuba sedapatnya ikuti perkembangan bahasa dengan membaca dan meneliti majalah-majalah terbitan DBP seperti Dewan Bahasa, Dewan Sastera, Dewan Siswa, Tunas Cipta dan Pelita Bahasa.
  5. Tentukan kumpulan sasar yang ingin  kita sampaikan bahan karya kita bersesuaian dengan  kemampuan dan gaya olahan kita.
  6. Bijak menguruskan masa; urus waktu tidur supaya tidak berlebihan. Bangun awal dan terus menulis dalam waktu yang tenang. Menulis berterusan setiap hari dan dijadualkan dengan menganggap menulis satu tanggungjawab, bukannya hobi. Elakkan membuang masa dengan banyak bersosial dan omongan kosong.
  7. Sediakan secukupnya buku rujukan mengikut bidang tumpuan kita berkarya. Sediakan tempat selesa dan sesuai untuk menulis, menulis dan menulis...
  8. Bagi memastikan kegigihan kita berterusan, mesti bina semangat yang mantap dalam jiwa dengan sentiasa bermunajat.
  9. Tingkatkan kemahiran dan ilmu penulisan dengan meluangkan masa mengikuti kursus-kursus penulisan. Perlu diingat tidak ada yang disebut 'born writer' tanpa ilmu dan latihan.

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